荃灣及離島區中學校際游泳比賽 2023-2024
The CFS Swimming Team returned with a bumper harvest in this year's inter-school competition, winning a total of 49 medals. One of the teammate, 1D Leung T. M., broke the records in Girls' C Grade freestyle and butterfly in the competition. In terms of team performance, the Boys' A Grade team won the champion, while the Girls' A Grade and B Grade teams both won the 1st runner up, and the Boys' C Grade team placed fourth. In the overall rankings, the Girls' team placed the second. We hope to regroup and challenge for the Tsuen Wan and Islands District championship title again next year!
- 「第二十六屆全港中小學普通話演講比賽 2024」 - 港島區高中組亞軍、最佳口才獎、最具創意獎
- 荃灣及離島區中學分會2023 - 2024年度校際排球比賽 - 男子初級組殿軍
- 荃灣及離島區中學分會2023 - 2024年度校際手球比賽 - 男子高級組殿軍
- 荃灣及離島區中學分會2023-2024年度校際羽毛球比賽 - 女子丙組季軍
- 荃灣及離島區中學分會2023-2024年度校際羽毛球比賽 - 女子丙組季軍
- National Security Education Seminar and Bursary Awarding Ceremony
- 【一帶一路】與我何干比賽 - 優異獎
- 金紫荊盃青少年書法大賽 - 三等奬